Sunday, January 20, 2013


There are times in life when we want to give up because we do not understand what is going on in our lives. We cannot figure out, how come things are not going the way that we planned for the them to go. We'll, let me provide you with some insight that I have learned in the years that I have been walking with the Lord.

Life and Death Is In The Power Of The Tongue!

The answer to your problem lies in your mouth!  Your situation is a direct connection to what you have been speaking into it. It says in Proverbs 18:21, that life and death is in the power of the tongue and that those who love it will eat its fruit. 

This means that whatever you have been speaking into your situation, good or bad it will become life. For example, if you are constantly saying, "I will always be broke" then you will always be broke, or " I will never get rid of these headaches" then you will not. Because you will have what you say!

One thing that we have to realize is that the enemy wants to keep us down, and by us speaking doubt and unbelief, we are helping him to do this. Remember, there is power in agreement! So every time you speak anything contrary to the word of God you are coming into agreement with the enemy. The enemy hates you and wants you to fail, what do you want?

If you are tired of coming into agreement with the enemy, by speaking doubt and unbelief into your situation, then turn it around and start speaking life, by speaking what the word of God says about your situation. So next time the enemy tires to whisper in your ear that you are broke, you speak right back and tell him, " It is written, my God is supplying all of my needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus," and the enemy will flee. Remember the only thing that make the enemy flee is the Word of God!

So remember, no matter what the situation, always Speak The Solution, And Not The Problem! 

Which is the Word of God!

Remember You Have The Power To Choose, So Choose Life!

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